The Power of Conversational AI in Surveys - Product Overview

TheySaid AI

Sometimes, you need to start from the beginning... Are you even asking the right questions to begin with? Our tool scans your site and helps you create Conversational AI Surveys tailored to your product & industry.

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TheySaid micro-surveys fit into your tech stack. You can embed them across all your marketing tools, outreach tools, or directly in your product experience.

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See answers as they come in, both the quantitative and the qualitative analysis. TheySaid AI provides summaries, and highlights opportunities and negative signals.

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The way you ask matters

Asking the right question to the right decision-maker at the right moment leads to exceptional business outcomes for the whole team. With our tool, you can create Conversational AI Surveys that recommend the right questions for your product & industry.

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More responses than traditional surveys & NPS
More actionable customer feedback
Increase in Net Revenue Retention

Journey Based Customer Micro Surveys

TheySaid's feedback methodology is more effective than any other in the market. We engage customers throughout their journey to uncover actionable insights you can use to grow revenue.

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Key Benefits
One tool for the entire team

Rather than multiple tools owned across different teams, TheySaid Pulses are used by the entire organization as a single source of customer insight that breaks down silos, keeping teams aligned and focused.

Each insight drives action

Aggregate insights into Go-To-Market strategy and trigger automatic Playbooks for each response that demonstrates to the customer you are taking action.

Optimized for the highest response rate

Utilize the Smart Scheduler to ask the precise questions that each role in your customer's buying team is eager to be asked throughout their journey.

Super Simple Setup

Setup in 2 hours, not 2 months. Seriously. TheySaid pre-configures your customer journey with peer-reviewed industry best practices, so you don't re-invent VoC for B2B.

Frequently asked questions


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Reduce time and get better insights with AI Micro Surveys

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